Beguiled by the wily suggestions of Rich Dansky, the fine folks over at Storytellers Unplugged asked me to join their hearty crew of professional writers, editors, and other assorted scalawags. In a moment of dumbfounded excitement–which kept me from begging off due to my soul-crushing deadlines–I accepted. In the ensuing blizzard of e-mails, I realized that I’d been shanghaied into–ah, …
Free RPG Day
Just a reminder that this Saturday is Free RPG Day. If you’re interested in learning more about roleplaying games, check the list of participating stores to see if there’s a place near you where you can join in the action.
RC News
My alma mater, the Residential College at the University of Michigan, puts out a quarterly newsletter, RC News. In the Spring 2007 issue, which just showed up in my mailbox yesterday, they ran a small piece on me on page 10 as part of a larger article called “Unpacking Alumni: Success in Business.” For some reason, they used the cover …
Origins Online Registration Starts Tomorrow
Registration for Origins – the second-largest gaming convention in North America, after Gen Con – goes live tomorrow, May 24, at noon Eastern Time. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m one of the gaming guests of honor at the show this year, and I hope to see you there. At the moment, I don’t know what my schedule will be, and …
RIP Angus McBride
Word is that Angus McBride has left us. Angus was a phenomenal artist, illustrating dozens of military history books for Osprey as well as many of the covers for Iron Crown‘s Middle-earth Roleplaying Game. I had the honor of having his artwork grace Cities of Middle-earth: Minas Tirith, to which I contributed some small bits. Angus was always a professional, …
Freelance Writing Tips
My friend Monica Valentinelli of Flames Rising fame (among other places and publications) just launched a blog aimed at giving freelance writers some of the tricks of the trade. Freelance Writing Tips is fresh and only now getting started, so stop on by and get in on the ground floor.
Heroes? Time?
In a recent comment, Hegs writes: It’s unrelated but did you see the Episode 20 of Heroes? It will please fans of Brave New World! I won’t spoil it… I’m sad to report I’ve not seen any but a few minutes of Heroes yet. I hear great things about it, and Jeph Loeb, whom I’ve known and respected for years, …
May Day! Manga Guide and ArmA Out!
Yesterday, two things I worked on hit shelves: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Manga Fantasy Creatures Illustrated and ArmA: Combat Operations. I haven’t held copies of either in my hands myself, but they should arrive on my doorstep soon. I hope you get the chance to enjoy them too!
George’s Children
My pal Jim Pinto and his friend Jon Hodgson just released George’s Children, a post-apocalyptic, tabletop roleplaying game set in a world without adults. They created this for the first National Child Safety Day, and all proceeds are going to charity. Be sure to check it out.
RIP Tom Moldvay
I learned a while back that Tom Moldvay had passed away around April 9 (some reports say March 9) of this year, but I hadn’t been able to verify it independently. I’ve seen enough details now to believe it’s true. Along with Mark Acres, Tom developed one of my favorite roleplaying games ever: Gangbusters. As a teenager at Gen Con, …