It’s that time of month again. My latest essay is up on Storytellers Unplugged. This time around I muse about muses and what keeps writers writing when they’d rather be somewhere else. Be sure to check it out.
Dansky Dares to Ask
My pal Richard Dansky just launched a new feature at his website, a series of short interviews with other authors. I’m flattered to be the first in the lineup. Rich asked some great questions, and I enjoyed responding to them as best I could. Be sure to check it out. Rich, by the way, is a true gentleman and a …
Origins Schedule
As a part of my guest of honor duties at Origins this weekend, you can find me taking part in the following seminars. If you’ll be there too, be sure to look me up. I haven’t been to Origins in a few years, and I’m looking forward to seeing many old friends again and making new ones too.
Laws on Writing
The latest issue of The Escapist features an interview with my pal Robin Laws about what it’s like to work on both your own material and licensed properties. Robin is one of the few people who does the same kind of work I do on many levels, and his answers are, as always, well considered and spot on.
Great Geekerati
I had a great time on Geekerati, Christian Johnson’s online radio show tonight. As always, Christian proves to be an excellent conversationalist, as did his other panelists, Eric and Bill. You can listen to the entire episode online now. If you listen for the trivia questions right around the 1-hour mark, Christian’s offering up free copies of my Blood Bowl …
Geekerati Radio, Monday, July 2
This Monday night, July 2, 2007, join me in a live radio show on Geekerati Radio at 7 PM PDT. Geekerati is the brainchild of Christian Johnson, frequent commenter on this website and head wrangler of the excellent and intelligent Cinerati blog as well, where you can find the full details. While I’m perfectly happy to blather on with Christian …
Harvey Birdman, Gamer at Law
I’ve finally been given clearance to mention one of my favorite upcoming projects. Earlier this year, I worked with the fine people at High Voltage Software on a brand-new video game based on the hilarious Cartoon Network show Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. It’s slated to be released this fall for both the PS2 and the PSP. I had an …
Good-Bye, Dan Matheson
From reliable sources, I’ve heard that Dan Matheson died last Sunday from a heart attack. Most people in the gaming industry know Dan from his decades as the warehouse manager of Black Hawk Hobby Distributors, located in northern Illinois, just south of my home here in Beloit. That’s where I met him. Black Hawk was the first game distributor I …
Groovy Interview
The fine folks at interviewed me last fall, and I just stumbled upon the results. It made for a good conversation about my writing and how I go about it. Check it out.
Dansky, Guitar Hero
Gamasutra has an excellent interview up with my pal Rich Dansky of Red Storm and Ubisoft fame. Rich is one of the best computer-game writers around, an excellent writer of fiction, and a gentleman and connoisseur of fine scotches to boot. I also owe Rich for introducing me to Guitar Hero, one of the greatest video games of all time. …