Via my pal James Wallis comes a note from Adrian Hon (James’s partner at the wailing-new Six to Start) about a project dedicated to concocting a brand-new Alternate Reality Game designed to raise money for cancer research. You can find out all the details at In short, they’re asking for 500-word game concepts. They’ll pick the best and give …
Unplugged Again
My latest essay for Storytellers Unplugged just appeared on that website, as if by magic. In it, I ramble loosely about how deadlines help to focus the creative mind–or at least mine. The essay itself is a fine example of that. Until I sat down to write it, the only thing bouncing around my head was that I’d obligated myself …
Digital Interview
The great guys at interviewed me at Origins 2007, and they’ve just posted an MP3 of our conversation. Come listen to me wax eloquent (in a stuffed-up, third-day-of-the-con way) about writing, game design, college, and other base subjects. If you flick through their gallery, you might spot some shots of the event too.
Face Front!
I’ve been sucked into the social vortex known as Facebook. It’s been great for linking up with friends and even playing Scrabble with a long-time friend I’ve known since I was 2. Join me if you like. Here’s my badge: Matt Forbeck’s Facebook profile
Cell Phones?
I’m looking for a new cell phone service. I have US Cellular, but it drops calls when I walk through the house. Anyone local to Beloit out there have any recommendation? Mostly I’m looking at AT&T or Verizon right now. Thanks!
Chicago Toy and Game Fair
I’ll be at the Chicago Toy and Game Fair, November 17 & 18. On November 17, as part of the Inventors Forum, I’ll be one of the experts in the “Ask an Expert” event. Sign up to have a private chat with me for 15 minutes between 1 and 3 PM, and I’ll do the best I can to answer …
Adios, InQuest
InQuest, the tabletop gaming magazine published by Wizard Press, is shutting down. I wrote many articles for InQuest in its early years, enough so that I’m still on the magazine’s comp list to this day. Now, 150 issues later, it’ll be gone. Ironically, the last issue of InQuest will ship in September, the same month that Dragon and Dungeon magazines …
RIP Chuck Crain
My friend Dale Donovan wrote over the weekend to report that Chuck Crain, one of the founders of Ral Partha, had died. Apparently he suffered a heart attack the Tuesday after Gen Con and died a couple days later. The Miniatures Page has an excellent obituary for him. I’d known Chuck for many years, since before I became involved in …
The Frodo Franchise
A couple weeks back, a copy of The Frodo Franchise by Kristin Thompson arrived in the mail. In it, Kristin describes how The Lord of the Rings went from literary classic to licensing powerhouse. For this, she interviewed 76 people, including me in my capacity as one of the developers of Decipher’s The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game. If …
Cons and Storytellers
It’s that time of the month again, and my latest post is up at Storytellers Unplugged. Given where I’ve spent the past week, I ramble on a bit about the nature of networking at conventions and how I like to view such things.