Mutant Storytellers

My latest essay is up at Storytellers Unplugged. This one’s about my recent trip to Hollywood for a preview of the Mutant Chronicles film, why I was asked out to fly out for it, and why I went.

Career Freelancing Podcast

The great guys at Pulp Gamer recently posted a podcast of the “Career Freelancing” seminar I gave at last year’s GAMA Trade Show. If you want to know what it’s like to make a living as a freelance game designer/novelist/whatever-else-I’m-doing-this-week, be sure to give it a listen.

Bye Snow

I’m off to Hollywood for a couple of days on a very-short-notice trip. I’m looking forward to trading my parka for a polo for a while. You all behave yourselves while I’m– Ah, who’m I kidding?

Gen Con Again for Sure

I’ve just confirmed that once again I’ll be an Industry Insider Guest of Honor at this year’s Gen Con. At the moment, this is the only convention on my schedule for the year. Unfortunately, Wizard World Chicago is the exact same weekend as Origins this year, forcing a choice between the two. Also, I’m still up in the air about …

Judge’s Guild President Dying

I know, I know. It sometimes seems like half the posts on this blog are about one sort of tragedy or another. Such things are a part of life, and as the gaming industry gets older, we’re going to lose more and more of our founders and heroes. It’s good to take a moment to remember them, especially when they’re …

1 vs. 100

I forgot to mention another game I worked on that came out recently (well, before Christmas): the 1 vs. 100 DVD Game from Mattel. This recreation of the TV game show starring Bob Saget can be played with any DVD player, and it features both single-player and multiplayer versions. I wrote a few hundred trivia questions for the game, and …

Storytellers Unplugged

My latest essay is up at Storytellers Unplugged. Still deep in depression about the results of last night’s Packers-Giants playoff game, my thoughts inevitably turned to football fans and how we’re all alike under the facepaint. I hope you enjoy it.

Nextcat Feature

For some reason, the folks at Nextcat (a networking site for people in various entertainment fields) have placed me on their featured people page for the gaming category. Steve Ince, who I’ve met online through the IGDA Writers SIG, headlines the page, while I share the bottom ranks with the likes of John Tynes, who makes for no shabby company …

“Getting Your Game Published” via Podcast

The fine folks at Pulp Gamer recently posted a podcast featuring Aldo Ghiozzi of Impressions and myself blathering on about games publishing at last year’s GAMA Trade Show. I had a great time working with Aldo, especially since he and I come at the question of “Getting Your Game Published” from different angles. I often handle seminars like this on …

The New Novel Deal

Just today, I signed a contract for my next fantasy novel with Wizards of the Coast. This will be my 12th mass-market novel, and it should hit shelves sometime in 2009. That’s all I’m at liberty to share right now, but I had to share the good news.