Sadly, I am not going to make it to the GAMA Trade Show next week. I love the convention and encourage anyone interested in making or selling tabletop games to attend. It’s a wonderful experience, and I’ll miss being there–as well as the too-rare chance to see so many good friends.
An Avalanche (of Fun) in Stockholm
If you noticed it’s been quiet around here, that’s because I just spent the last week in Stockholm, working on a new video game for Avalanche Studios. I can’t say much more about the game than that at the moment, but I’m having a ball working on it, and most of that has to do with the hospitality and creativity …
Sterling has a full listing for the Lost Worlds: Egyptians book I’m working on right now. It currently lists a different name for the author, but that should change soon I believe. I’m having fun working on the book. Researching a subject and then writing all about it reminds me of writing papers in school. This time, though, I’m doing …
Another Storytellers Unplugged
My latest essay is up at Storytellers Unplugged. It’s all about the different sorts of writing I do and how that makes me a different and hopefully better writer. While we’re at it, here’s the Amazon listing for the book I’m writing right now: Lost Worlds: Egyptians. More about that after I, um, finish it.
Photos from the Funeral
The guys at Kenzer and Co. took some photos of Gary Gygax‘s funeral. They caught me in a few of them. In the second, I’m talking with Brian Jelke and Chris Clark, and in the third, that’s me between Brian and Monte Cook. Some folks reported from ENWorld videotaped the ceremony and the gathering afterward too, with the family’s kind …
Patch Hiring
Patch Products, a top mass-market game publisher here in Beloit, is hiring. They’re looking for a Product Designer (someone to design games) and a Job Sourcing Agent (someone to find all the components for a game at the best quality and price). I’ve not worked with Patch in the past, other than to playtest some of their upcoming games. However, …
Just handling a little housekeeping around here. I don’t know if anyone but me noticed, but the link to the Downloads (now Freebies) page was broken. I fixed that and revised the About page and put up a new photo there. I also put a new photo in the header. That’s me in Monteverde, Costa Rica, last summer, crossing a …
Gary’s Funeral
On Saturday afternoon, Don Perrin and I drove up to Lake Geneva for Gary Gygax’s funeral. The visitation had started at 11 AM, but we left after I got back from Marty’s last indoor soccer game. The funeral wasn’t scheduled until 2 PM, and we got there well before 1:30 PM, so we had time to spare.
Busy Weekend
On Saturday, Marty and I caught The Spiderwick Chronicles film, based on the books by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi. Tony and Holly are both tabletop gaming refugees, and I got to meet them and sit on a panel with them at the 2006 Comic-Con. Marty and I both enjoyed the film. I haven’t read the books yet, but we …
Book = Done
Sadly, I can’t talk about it yet, but I finished writing a book late last night. It should be out later this year, and as soon as I can I’ll tell you all about it. I hate being a tease about such things, but I’m just thrilled to have topped that particular peak and had to share. Back to the …