have the con come to you. Because I skipped GTS this year (for the first time in memory), I missed out on seeing a lot of friends that I often only get to see at that show. Some of them, I’ll run into at Gen Con, of course, but that’s a bigger show with so much going on that it’s …
Storytelling and Distance
“Necessary Distance,” my latest essay for Storytellers Unplugged, is up and ready for your enjoyment. This month, I write about how hard it is to come back to read my own writing–and what I’ve found is the cure.
Good Vibes for Uncle Duke
Word from GAMA and the Miniatures Page is that “Uncle” Duke Seifried had triple-bypass surgery last month (much like my father did last year). Duke got through with flying colors and is now recuperating in his home in Janesville, WI. I sat next to Duke at Gary Gygax’s funeral, and he seemed fine then. As I saw with my father, …
Credits Where Due
As I continue with purging my office of all (well, most) unnecessary things, I discovered I don’t remember everything I’ve worked on. This, again, is the product of a long career in games, I suppose. For instance, I found a bunch of copies of Madness in Freeport, and I couldn’t recall why I had them. Then I checked the credits …
Categorizing the Past
In my old office, I had a bookshelf on which I put one of everything I’d ever worked on. It was one of those slap-together, particle-board cheapies from Staples, taller than me, with five shelves. I filled it up a while back and had started in on a new shelf. I’m proud of my work, and I figured if I …
Spring Cleaning
It’s been quiet on the site here over the past few weeks as I scramble to catch up with deadlines. I’ve had a lot of work tossed at me this year, which I’ll be the last to complain about, but it’s meant long days juggling it all. When I’m crunching on a project, I always hate to post here, as …
Orcs Cover Spotted
The fine people at Del Rey have posted a cover for my upcoming hardcover, coffee-table book Orcs. It looks pretty sharp, and I’m told the shield on the cover will have an embossed texture and that a couple holes will appear where arrows have gone through it. Orcs should be on shelves by November 4, just in time for the …
Pitching Games at Conventions
Tyler Tinsley writes to ask: I just listened to a recording of a freelancing seminar you had at GAMA. I just wanted to say thanks. While I have been sending games to companies for a few years, I just got my first gig as a freelance game designer and hearing your words have helped. I want to start going to …
Bob Bledsaw Dies
James Mishler reports that Bob Bledsaw, founder of the Judges Guild, died in the morning of Saturday, April 19. He passed away in his home in Decatur, Illinois, after a battle with cancer. The Judges Guild site has an excellent obituary. I never met Bob, but I loved his work. He published the first-ever third-party adventures for Dungeons & Dragons, …
Storytellers and GTS
My latest post at Storytellers Unplugged is up, and it’s the opening day of the GAMA Trade Show, which I’m still not at. How do the two intersect in my head? Read the post to find out.