The Toy and Game Inventors Expo

Last year, I went to the Chicago Toy and Game Fair (ChiTAG) for the first time, and I had a great time. I wandered around the exhibit floor, took part in the inventors’ forum, and helped out with the Ask an Expert event. This year, Mary Couzin (the woman behind the whole event) of Discover Games had decided to spotlight …

Michael Turner Dies

Michael Turner, one of the best comic-book artists of my generation, died last night after a long battle with cancer. He was 37.

James Perham Dies

I just learned that James Perham died on May 31 of heart failure. I first met James many years ago when he was working for Cliff “Gideon” Van Meter at Starchilde Publications (publishers of Justifiers and Guardians) and back in the late ’80s/early ’90s. He later spent time working in comics with Valiant and Acclaim and had the singular honor …

Social (Worker) Games

Last week, my wife Ann participated in a “poverty simulation exercise” for people who work with the impoverished. Ann is a school social worker who concentrates on helping out homeless students, so she sees a lot of this in her job. The Janesville Gazette ran an article about the exercise and how it worked. The paper ran a photo of …

Free Battlestar Galactica Novel

Tor has been making e-books versions of some of their novels free for a week at a time over the past few months. This week, they actually have a tie-in novel available for free: Battlestar Galactica by Jeffrey A. Carver. Just go to to register and get your copy. Each novel is only made available for a week at …

A New Look

I’m playing around with a new theme for the site. I like this one a lot, although I’ll likely tweak it as I go. I’ll add a new header graphic for one. In the meantime, if you see anything missing here (like something you enjoyed from the old theme), let me know. One cool thing about the new theme is …

Storytelling and Comics

My latest post is up at Storytellers Unplugged. This month, I discuss a bit how I went about scripting the Blood Bowl: Killer Contract comic book miniseries.

Free RPG Day

In case it’s slipped past you (and it nearly did me), tomorrow is Free RPG Day! If you have a friendly local games store, be sure to head down and check out this year’s free offerings sometime on Saturday. The official site has a list of participating stores and the kinds of goodies you can expect to see. Some publishers …

Erick Wujick Dies

As I mentioned back in December, Erick Wujick was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and not given long to live. According to his good friend Kevin Siembieda at Palladium Books, Erick lost his ongoing battle yesterday, having turned those six weeks into more than six months. Although I didn’t know Erick well–we’d talked a few times over the years–I always respected …

Hard Times on the Tabletop

The tabletop games industry seems to be contracting again. The last couple weeks have seen more layoffs from Upper Deck, the closing of Tenacious Games, and the ending of games at Press Pass. This put a number of good, talented friends out of work, including Ed Bolme, Sean K. Reynolds, and Hyrum Savage. (If you can hire them, do.) Traditionally, …