Battle Dice Previews: MODOK

For the third (and final) preview of Marvel Heroes Battle Dice Series 2, we have Modok. As the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, MODOK is one strange, big-headed baddy. Thematically, he fits well with an army of AIM Agents, as they created him. MODOK’s sheer absurdity is amazing. The audacity of a massive, flying, super-intelligent head that shoots mind …

Battle Dice Previews: Arana

For the next preview of Marvel Heroes Battle Dice Series 2, we have Araña. One of Marvel’s newer heroes, Araña’s powers are rooted in the developing mythos surrounding Spider-Man. She makes a fine addition to any team that needs a bit more arachnid goodness in it.

Battle Dice Previews: Mephisto

The fine people at Playmates Toys have given me five exclusive shots of figures from upcoming Battle Dice sets. I’ll post one every few days, just to give you a taste of what’s coming soon. First up, we have Mephisto, dread schemer and lord of one of Marvel’s realms of hell. This Cosmic Level villain stands ready to make a …

HUGE Battle Dice Update

I’ve been remiss in keeping up with the developments on the Marvel Heroes Battle Dice site. To make up for that, I’m going to cover a lot of ground fast. Since I last posted on the subject, the site has added: Details on organized play Computer desktop wallpaper Tournament rules Notes on tournament locations Marvel Heroes Battle Dice Series 2 …

Battle Dice in Magazines

The latest issues of Games Quarterly and Game Trade magazines feature the Marvel Heroes Battle Dice game. GQM has an article I wrote on how I came to design the game, along with some insight on the design process. GTM doesn’t have much to say on the game this issue, but it comes with a promotional Stealth Wolverine figure bagged …

New Battle Dice Review in Print

Bill Bodden reviews Marvel Heroes Battle Dice in the latest issue of Scrye Magazine. Bill does a fine job of encapsulating how the game works and has some kind things to say about it too. If you spot a copy in your friendly local gaming store, be sure to check it out.

Battle Dice Contest is running a Marvel Heroes Battle Dice contest. To sign up, you just have to register in their forums and post a note saying you’d like to win. Those who do win get a free starter pack and a dice chucker to go with it.

Loaded Battle Dice

On Marvel Heroes Battle Dice, Squashua asks: Hey Matt; I’ve seen these things on the shelves at Wal-Mart. If you stuff a figure into a die, doesn’t that unbalance (load) it? Good question, and it’s one I gave a lot of thought to while designing the game. Because of that, the rules are such that it doesn’t benefit you much …

Battle Dice News

Playmates Toys has announced that Marvel Heroes Battle Dice Series 2 will be in stores by July 1. Also, DC Battle Dice should be in stores by November 1, just in time for the holidays. In the meantime, Web of Webhead has a kind review of the original game. Also, updated its figure gallery to include game stats for … Reviews Battle Dice has a review of Marvel Heroes Battle Dice. The reviewer glosses over the depth of play that the various powers and dice rules give the game, but I’ll take the free publicity.