More Knights!

I just got back signed contracts with Wizards of the Coast for another two novels in The Knights of the Silver Dragon series. Since I wrote the first novel in the series (Secret of the Spiritkeeper) and developed the backstory for it, I’m thrilled to have a chance to return to the adventures of Kellach, Driskoll, and Moyra.

The books are #13 and #14 in the series, and they form a two-book story arc destined to shake the city of Curston to the core. I can’t say much more about them yet, but they should be cartloads of fun.

Spiritkeeper Out This Weekend!

My first mass-market novel, the young adult fantasy Secret of the Spiritkeeper, is due out in stores this weekend. It should be available in most bookstores, including those of all the major chains and the better independent booksellers. Please look for it and get your copy soon! The stronger the sales out the gate, the better.

I truly appreciate all your support and hope that you enjoy the book. Once you have a chance to read it, drop me a line to tell me what you think. I’d love to hear some independent feedback.

Dracula’s Revenge Due Next Week

Dracula’s Revenge, the board game I designed and produced for Human Head Studios should arrive in our warehouse tomorrow. This means it should hit store shelves sometime next week. To learn more about the game, go to the Dracula’s Revenge website. It has everything you need to know, including a free, downloadable copy of the rules. Be sure to ask for it at your favorite local gaming store.

Comic-Con Report

I’m still recovering from my lightning-fast trip to San Diego for Comic-Con International. The show was amazing. Somewhere between 80,000 to 100,000 people showed up, filled the entire convention center, and taxed the air conditioning to its limits. Every morning, it was chilly in the exhibit hall, but by mid-afternoon the scores of thousands of warm bodies made the whole place hot and steamy.

Warning: Name Dropping Ahead
(What can I say? It was that kind of show.)
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A Ghost of a Story

Very early Monday morning, I turned in my first draft of my adventure for White Wolf‘s Ghost Stories, an anthology of adventures for the new World of Darkness core rules due out this August. Developer Ken Cliffe got his notes back to me the same day, so I’m now working on the second draft, which I hope to complete tomorrow.

The name of my adventure is “Holy Ghost.” It has to do with a dead preacher come back to haunt his old neighborhood.

It strikes me that the last thing I wrote for White Wolf, about 10 years back, was a short story that featured a priest turned vampire. It was called “Reconciliation,” I think, and it appeared in City of Darkness: Unseen. It seems that either I have something against men of the cloth or the issues of death and resurrection snarl in my head with Christianity. No matter what, I blame my 11 years of Catholic school.

Spiritkeeper Here Soon!

Secret of the Spiritkeeper should be here soon. I’m told it will be in stores in the first week of August. If you’re interested in the book and want to lend a hand, I recommend preordering the book through your local bookstore. This helps the booksellers to gauge interest, and it builds a bit of anticipation in the store about the release. Thanks!