La Dolce Vita and Beyond

Those of you who follow this site regularly (both of you–hi, Mom!) might have noticed that I haven’t posted anything much here for a while. In fact, the last of my “weekly updates” was weeks ago. Let’s just say I’ve been busy.

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Authority RPG in Stores!

My fine friends at Guardians of Order tell me that The Authority Role-Playing Game is in stores now. Actually, it came out on October 5, so it’s been there nearly a week. Rush on out and get it!

This is one of the most beautiful game books I’ve had the privilege to work on. You can lay the blame for that squarely at Jeff Mackintosh’s feet. The fabulous artwork by Hitch and Neary doesn’t hurt any either. This has long been one of my favorite comics, and I’m pleased that the game lives up to every expectation I had.

Ghost Stories Cover Posted

I wrote one of the adventures in Ghost Stories, the upcoming adventure anthology for White Wolf’s new World of Darkness roleplaying game, the basis for the new Vampire: The Requiem. The Wolfies recently posted the cover for the book here. The book is due out November 15.

I had great fun working with Ken Cliffe on this book. Amazingly, I hadn’t written anything for White Wolf in over 10 years, and never any game material, just a few short stories for Vampire and Changeling. It was cool to work with them again, especially on one of the first products for their new game line. I hope you enjoy the results.

Free(lance) Again!

As of October 1, I left Human Head Studios and returned once again to being a full-time freelancer. I had a great time working with the fine folks at Human Head. While I’ll miss them, I won’t miss the hour-long commute to Madison at all. My own office is less than five minutes away in a raging snowstorm.

I have lots of work lined up already. My first novel (Secret of the Spiritkeeper from Wizards of the Coast) came out in August, and I have six others already contracted, with more on the horizon. I’m also working on some collectible card game and roleplaying game material in between the books. Still, the freelancer’s lot is to always be looking past the horizon for bigger and better gigs. If you know of any you think would fit well, don’t be shy about letting me know.

For some more details, I’ll let the great guys at tell you all about it. Just click here for their article on my departure and my replacement at Human Head.

Successful Signing

The signing at Turtle Creek, the Beloit College Bookstore was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to offer their support. It was truly touching.

The store sold nearly 60 copies of Secret of the Spiritkeeper, as well as a few copies of The Fellowship of the Ring Sourcebook and The Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook that they had on hand. Trudy, the wonderful store manager, told me it was the best day they’d ever had for a local author. She’d never had to worry about selling out of books before. As it was, there were about a dozen left at the end of the day, which I happily signed for their shelves.

My wife Ann showed up with all the kids to surprise me, just as the signing wound down. The kids all went crazy racing around the store, but fortunately many members of our extended family (including my sister Jody and new husband Nanni, who stopped off just before returning to their home in Italy) were around to corral them. The whole crew ended up at Bagels & More, a local coffee shop, for lunch, which was a great way to cap the event.

Later that day, I ended up at the grand opening of Beloit’s brand-new games store: Ray’s Games & Hobbies. It’s located right downtown on State Street, between Grand and Broad Avenues. It’s a neat store, well stocked with all sorts of games, models, and such. They were playing the newest edition of Warhammer 40,000 when I showed up, and Ray’s wife Lydia asked me to sign her copy of Secret of the Spiritkeeper, which she’d picked up at the bookstore after I’d finished my two-hour stint.

Thanks again to everyone for your support. I’m considering asking about signings at other bookstores around the area, but I’m sure that none of them would ever measure up to this!

Marked for Death Cover Up

The cover for my first Eberron novel for Wizards of the Coast is up right here. It features three of the main characters in a battle, and the text below states that the book should be ready for a March release. I’m working on the second draft right now and hope to have it completed by the end of the month.

Book Signing

Remember, if you’re anywhere near Beloit, Wisconsin, this Saturday, stop by the Turtle Creek (Beloit College) bookstore around 9:30 AM. I’ll be there signing anything you put in front of me.

I’m heading off to Italy next week to help celebrate my sister Jody’s wedding. I don’t think I’ll have internet access there, so there won’t be an update next week.

Dave Sutherland Is Dying

I recently learned that Dave Sutherland, a longtime TSR employee and the artist behind much of the early D&D and Tekumel products, is terminally ill. To pay his medical bills and hopefully leave something for his wife and daughters, he and his sister are auctioning off much of his gaming stuff on eBay, including some real rare gems. You can find the link here.

Dave created the cover for the “blue book” edition of Dungeons & Dragons, which was the first roleplaying game I ever saw. In a sense, he drew me into the business.

If you have any interest at all, take a look at the auctions. They represent a real trove of gaming history, and the money would be going to help out a family in dire need. Please pass this on to whoever you like and post it wherever you can.