Going to WonderCon!

This year, the fine folks at WonderCon invited me out to the show in Anaheim, California, as a special guest. I’ve never had the pleasure of attending it before, but they also run Comic-Con International in San Diego, which I’ve enjoyed countless times, so I was thrilled to accept.

I’ll be there for the entire show, from Friday through Sunday of this week, March 28–30. Please come out and join us! They have me on pretty light duty, so I’ll have plenty of time to wander around and join in the fun myself.

Here’s my schedule:

Friday, March 28:

  • 2–3 PM: How to Design Tabletop Games: With over 5,000 tabletop games coming out each year, the need for new games is strong. Are you designing a tabletop game or want to know how to get started? Industry experts Juliana Moreno (game designer, Wild Optimists), Kami Mandell (game designer, The Op), and Matt Forbeck (game designer, Marvel RPG) share their best practices, ways to get started, and stories from their game designs. Moderated by Christopher Castagnetto.
  • 3–4:30 PM: Creators Assemble: Charisma Check: Tabletop roleplaying game creators, publishers, performers, game shop owners, teachers, and library workers have brought greater acceptance to TTRPGS and fan culture. Take a break from hectic convention life to experience “speed dating” style networking with diverse TTRPG and board game enthusiasts from all backgrounds. This year’s lineup includes Reuben Bresler, Jeromy DeChant, Eddie Doty, Sarah Durnesque, Lemar Harris, Jason Patrick Galit (JPG), Jem Lugo, Cynthia Marie, Markeia McCarthy, Momo Meas, Ryan Omega, Jenni Powel, and Sidney Rubino, along with TTRPG educators and enthusiasts Joel Bakker, Joe Barrette, Moni Barrette, Janie Ghinazzi, and Dan Wood. (This actually starts at 2:30, but I have an overlap. I’ll be there as soon as I can!)

Sunday, March 29:

  • 12:30–1:30 PM: Spotlight on Matt Forbeck: Matt Forbeck (Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game) has been creating novels, comics, nonfiction, video games, and tabletop games for a living for over 35 years, including the upcoming Minecraft: Roll for Adventure series of game books. Join him for a Q&A session about his storied career and what’s coming next.
  • 2–3 PM: Autograph Session.

At the moment, this is the last show I have planned to attend until (possibly) Comic-Con or (definitely) Gen Con, so come out and say hi!

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