Going to Gary Con XVII!

Honestly, it’s kind of hard to believe that Gary Gygax has been gone for 17 years, but I’m always delighted to join his family for Gary Con to celebrate his legacy as the co-designer of Dungeons & Dragons. This year’s tinged with a bit more sadness at the loss of Gary’s eldest son, Ernie, a couple weeks ago, but that emphasizes even more why it’s important to gather with friends and enjoy each other’s company while you still can.

I’ll be at Gary Con this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, March 20–22. I’d be there longer if I could, but deadlines and life are competing hard for my time at the moment. That Avengers Expansion for the Marvel Multiverse RPG apparently isn’t going to write itself.

I’m running a few games at the show and playing in others as well. Most of them are already sold out, but there are still tickets left for Catacombs & Comedians Presents Death or Glory (Traveller), which I’m playing Thursday at 9 PM with my friends Dan Taylor, John Kovalic, Sarah Babe, Bryan Cp Steele, and Rob Wieland. Join us!

Plus, I have an autograph session in the exhibit hall on Friday at 1 PM.

And on Saturday morning at 10 AM, I’m on Adapting RPG Stories—Games to Other Mediums, a panel with my friends Jim Zub and Erik Mona.

If you spy me wandering around otherwise, be sure to say hi. I’m looking forward to seeing lots of people and hopefully signing some of those brand-new Spider-Verse Expansion books!

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