I just realized that the Origins schedule I linked to yesterday is missing a few things, so here’s my full schedule for the show. When I’m not at one of these events, you can likely find me in the Authors Alcove in the exhibit hall (Booth 1918) — at least when it’s open. I’ll have copies of the Marvel Multiverse RPG books with me, plus Shotguns & Sorcery game books too, so be sure to stop by and say hi!
- 11 AM – 12 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 3 – 4 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 11 AM – 12 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 3 – 4 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 10 AM – 11 AM: From Game to Story (Room A212)
- 11 AM – 12 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 1 – 2 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 3 – 4 PM: Writing for the Ages (Room A213)
- 11 AM – 12 PM: D&D: Celebrating 50 Years of Adventure and Imagination (Short North Ballroom A)
- 12 – 1 PM: The Intersection of Games and Books (Room A212)
- 1 – 2 PM: Meet the Game Designers (Booth 1752)
- 2 – 3 PM: Tips and Tricks of the Trade (Room A212)