Next week — June 19–25 — I’m heading back to the Origins Game Fair for the first time in 17 years. I used to hit it every year, starting in 1988, when the show merged with Gen Con for a year, up until 2000 or so. Then the quadruplets came along, and I started writing novels, video games, and such, and I had to cut back on the number of gaming conventions I hit.
The last time I was at Origins was back in 2007, when I was a guest of honor for the first time. This year, they invited me to be a guest of honor again, and I eagerly accepted. (And now we apparently know what it takes to bring me back!)

I’m pulling double duty as a gaming guest of honor and as the author guest of honor as well. You can find my schedule at the show listed here. On top of all that, I’m going to have a table in the Authors Alcove where my minions kids and I will be selling books and games. That includes some of the newer stuff, like the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game and Shotguns & Sorcery: The 5E Sourcebook books, plus some older stuff that’s been sitting in my attic for years — like copies of the Brave New World Roleplaying Game, which is 25 years old this summer!

As part of being the author guest of honor, I chipped in a short story to the Origins anthology, edited by my pal Aaron Rosenberg and featuring stories from all the fantastic writers in the authors program. Mine is a Deadlands story called “The Devil You Know” that’s a direct sequel to the yarns I spun for the Dealands Dime Novels back in the ’90s. This is a book available only at Origins, so be sure to grab a copy if you can.
On top of all that, the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game is up for the Origins Award for the Best Roleplaying Game. That means I’ll be sure to hit the Origins Awards ceremony on Friday night. (Side note: I commissioned the sculpture for the statue for the Origins Awards many years ago, from Hall of Famer Julie Guthrie. She did a fantastic job, and I’m honored to have several copies on my mantel.)
So, come on out and help me make this a triumphant return to Origins. I’m looking forward to getting back to it again, and I hope to see you there!