The ever-excellent Escapist concentrates on Microsoft in a series of articles this week. Best of all, they interview my friend Jordan Weisman for two of them. The first is about how Jordan sold FASA Interactive to Microsoft and how that worked out. The second paints Jordan’s career with broader strokes, from FASA through to 42 Entertainment. Both are great reads.
Speaking of which, I received a free copy of Cathy’s Book (by Jordan and fellow 42 Entertainment writer Sean Stewart) in the mail the other day, from a marketing company hired to push the book through blogs and other online venues. I haven’t had a chance to dig into it yet, but I’m looking forward to it. (Ironically, I’d ordered the book for myself–and paid for it–when the offer for the free copy came through. Sadly, the extra is already spoken for.) If you’ve had a chance to check it out, let me know what you think!