Yes, it’s been way too long! Yes, I should have done this months ago! (I’ve been wildly busy with the Marvel Multiverse RPG, kids graduating from college, and many other things.) BUT NOW IS FINALLY THE TIME!
On Tuesday, June 11, I’m releasing Shotguns & Sorcery: The 5E Sourcebook to the public. At that point, you can order it through DriveThru RPG in both hardcover ($74.99) and PDF ($29.99) formats. In fact, if you order the hardcover that way, you automatically get the PDF for free. I’m also releasing the Shard Tabletop edition of the game, if you want to play it on a snazzy virtual tabletop.

However, I still have a few leftover boxes of the hardcovers that I printed for the Kickstarter, both in the regular and deluxe formats. If you want those, you can order them through Backerkit. The regular hardcover is only $60 that way, while the deluxe is $100. (You get the PDF for free with each kind.) Since I’m shipping those from my home, I can autograph them for you — upon request — before they head out the door.
I also have a few boxes of hardcover books left of the Shotguns & Sorcery Cypher System game. You can buy those on eBay for $60 each, which is cheaper than the DriveThruRPG hardcovers go for these days too.

I’m bringing whatever I have left with me to Origins Game Fair, at which I’m pulling double duty as a gaming guest of honor and the author guest of honor. If you want to pick up one of the books from me there, let me know, and I’ll set one aside for you. I’ll have a table in the Authors Alcove, where my kids and I will be hanging out for most of the show.

I’ll be selling all sorts of stuff there, mostly author’s copies of books and games that have been taking up space in my attic. I’m also bringing copies of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game Core Rulebook and The Cataclysm of Kang, and I’ll be happy to sign those too. Grab them while you can!
Thanks for all your support!